Do mice show a preference for using one paw over the other? Attempting to answer this question, a researcher tested a random sam
ple of 48 mice and observed which forepaw (right or left) the mice used to retrieve food from a narrow tube. Eighteen of the mice used their right paw, while the rest used their left paw. Does this data suggest that mice show a preference towards one paw over the other? Carry out the appropriate test and include all steps for full credit.
During the course of the experiment, the researcher noticed that individual mice sometimes switched which forepaw they used to retrieve the food. So she repeated this study on the same 48 mice, but measured each one 10 times and she recorded which forepaw was used each time. With her new dataset of 480 observations, would you be able to run the same analysis as in part (a)? If so, carry out the analysis and compare the results. If not, why not?
It all depends on the food they are going for, just like humans, mice have instincts. For example, if you were falling forward, which foot would you put out? Most likely the opposite one. I hope this helps you!