The border areas of Kuwait where British and American troops. :) Hope this helps!
Silk is hard to produce and rich in price.
Silk is a particular item as it cannot be produced everywhere. Silk comes from the silkworm and is a rich material known for its sooth, yet warm feeling. These worms are very particular about where they can be inhabited and in many cases will die if not in the right enviornment. Additionally, silk is seasonal. Just like butterflies, birds, and flowers, during the times of cold, silkworms do not produce silk. Therefore the substance is quite hard to obtain, but rich in price.
Women have been a part of the war effort since the Revolutionary War, but in the early days of our nation they had to cloak themselves in disguise to serve alongside men. When they were accepted into the military, women were given auxiliary roles. As the weapons and methods of warfare changed in the late 20th century, however, the Pentagon began to realize that gender matters less on the battlefield.
They must manage a lot of jobs and housing for many including citizens, immigrants, and refugees