Bus Topology
In local area networks (LANs), Bus topology is used to connect all the computers on the single cable. This cable is called backbone of the network. In this type of network when a computer sends data, it will be received on entire network.
For Example
In water line system, all the taps that are connected to single pipe. If the pipe or a single tap broken this will affect the whole system.
Entire system can be crash if any node or wire will break.
Binary Code
All microprocessors and programmable devices understand is Binary Code. These are various combinations of 0's and 1's which when placed together in a sequence represent a set of instructions that the microprocessor can read and understand to complete complex tasks. There are various other programming languages to program these tasks in an easier to read syntax for the programmers themselves but they simply take the written code and convert it into Binary before sending it to the microprocessor.
I would do top to down approach start from the top and work your way down to the bottom.
There are no answer choices listed so I don't have anything to choose from so i'm just going to go with what I know/think. Just from reading the question I think it may be the "notepad." If it is not the notepad then it may be the clipboard.
Sorry if this doesn't help you very much, but there were no answer choices.