The Pima and Hopi were part of the Indian culture. The Hopi
are thought to have descended from the Anasazi and they are classified as
Pueblo Indians. The Pima’s on the other hand are thought to have descended from
the Hohokam culture. Though they have descended from different cultures but
they are part of the Indian culture. The Pima’s, mostly resided in the region
which is now known as the central and southern Arizona. The Hopi tribe on the
other hand lived in the northeastern Arizona.
All of the above. You can find all of these things in California.
Feudalismo: Un sistema político y económico de Europa desde el siglo IX hasta aproximadamente el siglo XV basado en la tenencia de todas las tierras en feudo o tarifa y la relación resultante de señor a vasallo y caracterizado por el homenaje, el servicio legal y militar de los inquilinos y la confiscación. ... Los vasallos estaban en una clase algo más alta que los campesinos.
Answer: Soft money is the type of funds which are not regulated by the federal election commission when the political parties receive funds from business and organizations.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) has the sole responsibility to monitor the operations of polling during campaigning activities of all the political parties. All political parties of the US nation have to incur huge expenses to propagate the party agenda as well as objectives in the time of the public campaign. But FEC has categorized the type of funds that can be sourced by the political parties.
Hard money is the source of funds that are audited properly and regulated by the FEC. While Soft money is also the source of funds that do not have appropriate accountability and also not fully regulated by the FEC. Soft money is fully sponsored by the corporate ventures to the political parties to get their support in time of need during the phase of political emergency requirement.