(especially of a leaf or shell) having a round-toothed or scalloped edge
Water has the highest specific heat capacity of any sort/type of liquid.
Vertebrates have back bones or spines that give there body support.
1. Hematoma is an open injury that occurs whenever a large blood vessel is damaged and bleeds rapidly. False
2. You should never remove an avulsion skin flap, regardless of its size. True
3. When possible, ALS providers should administer IV fluid within 3 minutes after the crushing object is lifted off the body. False
1. It is false because, although is true that a hematoma occurs when you have a large blood vessel damaged, i
t is a closed injury, not an open one.
2. It is true, you should never remove an avulsion skin flap, regardless of its size. The avulsion may have a serious infection.
3. It is false because ALS providers should administer IV fluid before the crushing object is lifted off the body.