C. It has DNA that is not contained within a nucleus.
If we look at golgi apparatus, they are one of the most prominent characteristic of a eukaryotic cell because they are membrane bounded organelles. As we know that in prokaryotic cells there are no membrane bounded organelles so option A is incorrect.
If we talk about long tail like structure, then it can be correct option because many prokaryotic organisms like bacteria have flagella for movement. However, there is Euglena which has flagella but it is a eukaryote. It means that option B can be false.
If we look at option C, it says that DNA of the cell should not be necessarily in nucleus. This looks suited for prokaryotes like bacteria because they donot have any nucleus and DNA is positioned almost center of the cell without any nucleus. So option C is best option.
If we look at option D, again it cannot be right answer because they are one of the most prominent characteristic of a eukaryotic cell that their organelles are large and covered with membranes.
Hope it helps!
The wrinkles signify that the brain is compressed which makes it take up less space in your head which makes it more eficent I guess.
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