Physical change only change the appearances of a substance, not it’s chemical composition. Chemical changes cause an entirely new substance with new chemical formula.
The possible genotypes are:

good luck, i hope this helps :)</em>
yes. it's important to save the species that are closer to extinction first. the more critically endangered, the more important it is to save.
We could feed them with another type of food free of silver salts.
When talking about a phenocopy, we are referring to individuals who genotypically should be expressing a determined phenotype, but due to environmental influence, they express another phenotype. This is a non-inheritable phenotype, so it is not considered a mutation.
If we grow thy flies feeding them another type of food that does not include silver salts, and let them mate and reproduce, they will express the real phenotype, because they will not be influenced by the food. In the following generation, there will be dark individuals carrying the dominant allele, and yellow individuals, with the recessive genotype.
Capillaries are one cell thick and so this makes them very thin. capillaries are also arranged in networks known as capillary beds, and thus multiple capillaries are spread over a large area.