The moonlight we see on Earth is sunlight reflected off the Moon's grayish-white surface. The amount of Moon we see changes over the month — lunar phases — because the Moon orbits Earth and Earth orbits the Sun. ... During a lunar eclipse, Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the sunlight falling on the Moon.
As we have just seen, cells require a constant supply of energy to generate and maintain the biological order that keeps them alive. This energy is derived from the chemical bond energy in food molecules, which thereby serve as fuel for cells.
Seymour Benzer used phage T4 mutants, Experimental
evidence that a gene is a linear sequence of nucleotide pairs. Some regions of
chromosomes have "hot spots" for mutations. Benzer's experimental
approach to fine structure mapping of the rII locus. Generated 1612 spontaneous point mutations
and several deletions in rII locus identified two complementation groups, rIIA
and rIIB. Mapped locations of deletions
relative to each other using recombination.
Mapped locations of point mutations relative to the deletions. Tested
for recombination between all point mutations within the same complementation
It prevents water evaporation.
100% correct
Simple sentences contains on independent clauses ,also called main clause ,that stands alone.
Complex sentences contains an independent clauses plus one or more dependent clause.
Compound Sentences contains two independent clauses joined with the coordinating conjugation and comma .AND IT'S ENGLISH QUESTION NOT OF BIOLOGY.