<u>Shiva The Lord of Dance (Nataraja):</u>
Lord of Dance (Nataraja), As a symbol, Nataraja is an ingenious discovery. It combines in a single image Shiva's characters as creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe and carries the Indian idea of the endless cycle of time.
- He dances inside a circular or cyclically closed arch of flames (Prabha mandala), which symbolically depict the universal fire that in Hindu cosmology builds everything and utilises everything, in cyclic existence or cycle of life.
- His legs are bowed, which proposes an energetic dance.
According to Locke, when a "man comes by power over another”, the authority he holds is the " right to punish the offender"
- This is because according to John Locke, an English philosopher when a "man comes by power over another" the only justifiable reason a man can do such or harm another fellow man is to restrain or reprimand which he termed as punishment.
- This punishment should be meted out according to the level of offense committed by the offenders.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is " right to punish the offender"
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He was banished from Massachusettsin 1636 for sedition and heresy after refusing to cease preaching what the colony deemed “diverse, new, and dangerous opinions.” Williams fled into the wilderness and founded the town of Providence.
Preferential option for the poor means that Christians are called to look at the world from the perspective of the <em>marginalized and to work in solidarity for justice.</em>
The particular alternative for poor people alludes to a pattern, all through the Judeo-Christian Bible, of inclination being given to the prosperity of poor people and feeble of society in the lessons and directions of <em>God just as the prophets and different noble individuals.</em>
To push the aggregate expenditures schedule upward.