Prim : her little sister, her whole world. she means everything to katniss and katniss would do anything for her. katniss feels like she’s the parental figure to prim as she takes care of her
mom : she is very protective over her mother as well. she is angry with her, but also feels for her. when her father died her mother became absent in her and prims lives, so this shaped katniss a lot into the protective person she is.
gale: her best friend. she feels like gale is the only one she can go to when she needs time alone. they go hunting together to get meat and trade with sellers in the town to get food and necessities for their family.
peeta: they grew a special bond during the games, and had to put on a show like they were too in love to kill each other. this made karniss protective as well.
overall, these people made katniss into the brave, protective person she is.
Answer: A
Explanation: I personally would say the answer is A but it could very well be D. Depends if you take it in a literal or metaphorical sense.
D) The most nearly correct answer would be option 'C', as this fact appears in 119 of the 150 nations (more or less an 80%).
Answer: If it multiple choice 2 and 3 if not just 2
The answer is B.2...that sentence does not make any sense