1) Inti menghilang.
2) Kromatid menuju bidang ekuator.
Selama fase pertama mitosis i. e. profase di mana replikasi menjadi kromatid terjadi dan berubah menjadi kromosom sementara nukleolus menghilang dan terjadi pemecahan selubung inti. Setelah profase, metafase dimulai di mana kromosom menjadi terlihat di sitoplasma sel dan bergerak menuju tengah atau ekuator sel.
Answer: it's because they need to provide a lot of energy.
Explanation: fat cells have many mitochondria because they store a lot of energy. Muscle cells have many mitochondria, which allows them to respond quickly to the need for doing work.
Yeasts and filamentous fungi are extensively used as model organisms for eukaryotic genetic research, including cell cycle regulation, chromatin structure, genetic recombination and gene regulation.
i think cause they have its cells