The appropriate response is letter B. The Mayans had a few cultivating strategies they used to develop their harvests, including the cut and consume strategy, terracing and a system utilizing raised fields. The technique utilized by the ranchers relied upon the land. Maya agriculturists utilized a strategy called cut and consume before they started planting crops.
Answer: Interaction.
Lack of interaction in practice can lead to social and political problems. That is why interaction is very important. Psychology says that the process of interaction is important because it leads to interdependence in the behavior and experience of one subject versus another. Interaction in philosophy implies an opinion about natural and social phenomena as interrelated factors. The interaction improves the mutual influence of the two factors and leads to the two subjects' mutual actions.
Work on the census were divided into three main stages: the preliminary work, the census conducting (pre-enumeration checks, data collection, post-enumeration sample survey), data obtaining and processing (data receipt, coding, data capture, receiving the outputs).
North Korea
The united states doesnt grant normal trade sanctions and theres sparce commerce between the two countries
Negative punishment
Punishment in terms of behavioral control usually weakens or reduces the probability of a certain behavior from reoccurring. It is simply said to be an action taken or an event that decreases the oçcurence of a behavior or behavior that it follows.
Negative Punishment deals with an individual, a parent e.t.c. taking away something desirable e.g no viewing of the television for a week. It is simply a response behavior. It is backed up by the removal of a stimulus or a decrease in the intensity of the stimulus.
It makes or decreases the future frequency of similar responses under similar circumstances.