This is the answer to your question. Hope this helps!
determining laws' constitutionality.
There are three branches in the Federal government in United States. They are ---
- Executive branch
- Judiciary branch
The Legislative branches of the Federal government makes laws for the citizen of the country.
The Executive branch executes the laws made by the Legislature, it also appoints various ministers to look after the interests of the nation.
The Judicial branch looks whether the laws made are constitutionally correct or not. It can interpret laws if it is unconstitutional.
All the three branches of the Federal government keeps a check on one another.
The Judicial branch sees if any laws passed by the legislature is violating the constitution or not. It can reject a law and can make it null and void if the law passed by the government violates any rights provided by the Constitution of America. It have the power to approve a law or reject a law based on the Constitution of America.
Hence the answer is ---
determining laws' constitutionality.
After England won the wars, new taxes were made to pay for the debt from the wars.
Trait approach
The trait approach theory was first given by Gordon Allport in the 1930s. It is also called a trait theory of leadership. In the beginning, there was found about 4500 traits that were later combined and finalized into three categories.
The trait theory has been criticizing because this theory has very little generalization results in their traits theory as not applicable to most of the great leaders. This theory focuses on the leadership but not on the situation.