[See Below]
→ <u>Independent Variable</u>:
- The variable you change on purpose, to see certain effects.
- Doesn't depend on other variables.
- Usually the time.
→ <u>Dependent Variable</u>:
- Usually the reaction based on the independent variable.
- Refers to Independent Variable.
- The result or the experiment.
→ <u>Control Group</u>:
- Is the constant variable in all test.
- Usually is the one with changes.
→ <u>Experimental Group</u>:
- The treatment group.
- It is going to be based of of what you are trying to test.
<u>So will this information we can conclude that:</u>
<u />
- Independent The amount of time.
- Dependent Number of Mosquito Bites.
- Control The arm that was not sprayed.
- Experimental The arm that was sprayed.
From these beginnings, cuneiform signs were put together and developed to represent sounds, so they could be used to record spoken language. Once this was achieved, ideas and concepts could be expressed and communicated in writing. Cuneiform is one of the oldest forms of writing known.
Max Weber developed a social status system that classifies individuals into different categories.
Max Weber (1864-1920) was a German sociologist who stood out for the theoretical contributions that led him to be listed as one of the fathers of modern sociology.
One of his most prominent studies was the theory of three components of stratification that were:
These three categories contemplate a multidimensional approach to social stratification that reflects the interaction between:
These dimensions refer to the different forms of power. For example:
1. A person who has wealth has the economic power to do what he wants;
2. a person with prestige has social relationships that allow him to do what he wants;
3. a person with power, whether public or private, influences to decide on others without being affected.
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The two architectural orders that are visible at the Parthenon are Doric and Ionic.
The Parthenon used to be a temple dedicated to goddess Athena, but is not just a monument located in Athens, Greece. The columns can be either Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian, but the Corinthian one is not found in this temple.