Usually making your own food or take out . . . In college it’s hard for me to make it my own sometimes
Well say you have a dad and a mom and they have a son and a daughter the dad gets drunk and the mom can't control the dad and the dad goes to the kids room with a belt he takes his anger out on the son and daughter.He is abusing them which makes the boy and the girl a victim of Child Abuse (violence).
I hope I helped :) <3
She needs to control her diet. This helps because it makes her healthier, and less sugar will decrease her risk.
She also needs to exercise daily to keep herself healthy
- Whole grain foods like oats, quinoa, etc.
- Legumes, like peas and beans.
- Potato skins, oddly enough, have some dietary fiber.
There is no fiber in meat, dairy, or sugar!
The opening to the uterus is indeed called the cervix