That was sir Isaac Newton’s only discover so it is true
Frost is capable of damaging the flower buds and blooms of fruiting plants to the extent that the plants will not bear fruit.
Restate the overall purpose of the experiment. (Why did you do this experiment? What did it teach you?)
2. What were the major findings? (summarize the data you collected)
3. Was the hyposthesis supported by the data? (state your hypothesis and explain how your data relates to your hypothesis)
4. How could this experiment be improved? (If you did this again what could you do differently?)
5. What could be studied next after this experiment? (What else could you test to help you better understand this topic
The answer to this question would be: risk taking
In this case, the nurse <span>finds that one of the prescribed drugs is redundant and notifies the primary healthcare provider. To recognize the drug as redundant the nurse should have read some source about that drug. The nurse notifies the primary health care in hope to changes the medication. It was a risk-taking attitude since that means the nurse willing to take the risk to implement the knowledge.</span>