Cognitive-behavioral theorists consider that depression is produced because of the existence of distorted thoughts and judgments.
It is said that those distorted thoughts and judgments can be acquired socially. This can be seen when children who belong to a dysfunctional family observe how their parents cannot cope properly with some stressful experiences or any kind of traumatic event.
These distorted thoughts and judgments also can be acquired because it exists a lack of experiences in the person's environment which could provoke the development of adaptive coping skills.
In this application of a phenomenon called <u>conditioned taste aversion</u><u>,</u> the toads researchers used are a(n) <u>_</u><u>CS</u><u>____</u>.
- A type of <u>associative learning </u><u>technique</u> in which the animals learn to associate the taste of a certain food with certain illness symptoms caused by toxic,spoiled or Poisonous food item is known as C<u>onditioned taste aversion.</u>
- This phenomenon is also called as <u> "Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome".</u>
- It was in the year 1950 john Garcia demonstrated this phenomenon
Everything is more modern now.