Groundwater overdraft occurs when groundwater use exceeds the amount of recharge into an aquifer, which leads to a decline in groundwater level. This condition is occurring in an increasing number of groundwater basins throughout California, and is impacting the state in many ways. Groundwater overdraft occurs when the groundwater resources are used up more quickly than they are replenished. Groundwater overdraft can occur for a period of time without noticeable consequences, but eventually the aquifer will not be able to keep up with the rate of use as its water storage is depleted.
Augustine's starting point for his account of the relationship between men and women is the story of the creation and Fall found in Genesis 2-3.
In Genesis 2: 18 God says “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” From this Augustine concludes that Eve is made to be Adam's helper. He further deduces that her primary role must be procreation as (in his view) a male companion would be better for every other task. Better for physical labour (stronger) better for conversation (more in common).
'If it were not the case that the woman was created to be man’s helper specifically for the production of children, then why would she have been created as a “helper”? Was it so that she might work the land with him? No . . . a male would have made a better assistant. One can also posit that the reason for her creation as a helper had to do with the companionship she could provide for the man . . . . Yet for company and conversation, how much more agreeable it is for two male friends to dwell together than for a man and a woman! . . .
Answer: b. true
Public education is known to be the type of education offered by the government through the establishment of public schools. Furthermore, these schools are established in order for the poor to attend and are financed and managed by the government Thus, it is a means through which income is redistributed by the government.
Yes I agree; because It generates local savings, which in turn lead to productive investments in local business. Furthermore, effective banks can channel international streams of private remittances. The financial sector therefore provides the rudiments for income-growth and job creations..