Correct answer is ... Seeds have endosperm which provides nourishment for a new plant, but spores do not have any stored food supplies. :)
The correct answer is option C, that is, the presence of the nuclear membrane.
Cyanobacteria is a phylum of bacteria that attain their energy via the process of photosynthesis, and are the only photosynthetic prokaryotes possessing the tendency to generate oxygen. As a prokaryote, they are devoid of the nuclear membrane.
Euglena refers to a single cell flagellate eukaryote. It comes under the class Euglenoidea. The species of Euglena are witnessed in salt water and in freshwater. Being a eukaryote, they possess nuclear membrane.
Coastal habitats provide ecosystem services essential to people and the environment. ... Services provided by coastal wetlands include: Flood Protection: Coastal wetlands protect upland areas, including valuable residential and commercial property, from flooding due to sea level rise and storms. pollution kills much of the life that lives there and radically decreases biodiversity
Incomplete Dominance
Incomplete dominance is an example of a non-mendelian trait (doesn't follow the genetic rules established by Gregor Mendel). When two parents mate and produce offspring, the offspring is a blend of the two parents. So, a red flower and a white flower would make a pink flower.