Adaptive behavior includes socially responsible and independent performance of daily activities. However, the specific activities and skills needed may differ from setting to setting. When a student is going to school, school and academic skills are adaptive.
1. Topoisomerase is an enzyme helps in over winding Or underwinding of DNA during replication. Helps in the topological correction. So non-functional topoisomerase leads to tangled DNA and prevents replication..
2. Primases are the enzymes helps in the synthesis of short RNA sequences used as primers in replication. Non functional primase leads to no primer synthesis.
3. DNA Polymerase is an enzyme helps in the addition of new nucleotide to the growing strand in replication. Non functional DNA polymerase prevents the strand growing as no new nucleotides were added.
4. Helicases are the enzymes helps in the separation of double strands into single and helps in each strand to be copied. Non functional helicase leads to prevention of unwinding of strands and replication inhibition.
5. ligase is an enzyme that joins nicks(small gaps) in the DNA strand by creating ester bond. Non functional ligase leads to unjointed gaps of lagging strand.
6. Single strand binding proteins(SSB's) are the small proteins that binds to the single strands of DNA and holds them in a place not to get together while replicating. Non functional SSB's leads to parental strands come back together and prevents replication.
* The glucose needed for Cellular respiration is delivered by plants. Plants experience a process known as photosynthesis.
* Photosynthesis can be considered as the contrary process of Cellular respiration. Through two processes known as the light reactions and the dark reactions, plants can assimilate and use the energy in daylight. This energy is then changed over alongside water and carbon dioxide from the environment into glucose and oxygen.
* Since this is the contrary process of Cellular respiration, plants and animals are said to have a cooperative relationship. This implies that plants and animals live respectively and advantage from one another.
Cellular respiration is the process by which the substance energy of "food" particles is delivered and incompletely caught as ATP. Starches, fats, and proteins would all be able to be utilized as fills in cellular respiration, yet glucose is most normally utilized as an illustration to analyze the responses and pathways included.
I'm not sure have you tried to or attempt it