Butter is NOT healthy at all. period
Albert estimates we only use about 10% of our brains.
You could possibly record yourself on a tape recorder, something like that, and giving it to the person when you're busy so they can learn while you're gone
The best technology would be Digital x-ray.
Diagnosis and treatment of bone fracture, doctors can diagnose fractures with x-rays. They may also use CT (computed topography) scans and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Broken bones heal by themselves and the aim of medical treatment is to make sure the piece of bone are lined up correctly.
Talk to her.
Make sure your approachable and be there for her. Let her know that she can talk to you. Confront her about it but don't press her about it. E.g. pull her aside to where it's just you and her "Sondra I noticed the pill bottle... you know you can always talk to me" or tell a trusted adult to help.