Tips with decimals....
Our decimal system gives us the flexibility to write numbers as large or
small as we like. The key to the decimal system is the decimal point. Anything
on the left of the decimal point represents a whole number, anything on the
right of the decimal represents less than one (similar to a fraction). Going
from left to right, the value of each place on the right of the decimal point is
1/10 the value of the place on the left. Good luck!
3.6 + 2.3 = 5.9
4.2 + 2.3 = 6.5
3.3 + 2.3 = 5.6
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
The LCM of 12 and 16 is 48.
12*4= 48
16*4= 48
f(5) is -8 ⇒ 1st answer
Step-by-step explanation:
Function is a relation between set of of ordered pairs (x , y),and every x has only one y
- {(-1 , 2) , (2 , 4) , (5 , -3)} is a function because x = -1 has only y = 2, x = 2 has only y = 4 and x = 5 has only y = -3
- {(-2 , 4) , (0 , -1) , (-2 , 5)} is not a function because x = -2 has y = 4 and 5
The notation of the function is f(x) = y
The table:
→ x : f(x)
→ -4 : -2
→ -1 : 5
→ 3 : 4
→ 5 : -8
From the table
∵ x = -4
- The corresponding value of y to x = -4 is -2
∴ f(-4) = -2
∵ x = -1
- The corresponding value of y to x = -1 is 5
∴ f(-1) = 5
∵ x = 3
- The corresponding value of y to x = 3 is 4
∴ f(3) = 4
∵ x = 5
- The corresponding value of y to x = 5 is -8
∴ f(5) =-8
f(5) is -8
Learn more:
You can learn more about the functions in
It would take 86.4 gallons of gas to go 1,836 miles.
Step-by-step explanation:
the situation can be explained by the equation 16x=340, where x is how many miles the car can go in one gallon. divide both sides by 16 to get that answer
x=340/16= 21.25
Now the other problem can be expressed by the equation 21.25y=1836, where y is the amount of gallons it would take to go 1,836 miles.
divide both sides by 21.25 to get the amount of gallons
y= 1836/ 21.25= 86.4.