If I remember correctly, I believe it's <body></body>
vehicle super class 9.1.4
So you need to create a super class containig all the animals use the class above for referance
many forms
Polymorphism is a construct in object oriented programming which means multiple forms.For example: Suppose I have a function which performs the add operation on two integers and another function with the same name which concatenates 2 given strings:
- string add ( string a , string b)
The two functions represent polymorphic forms of the add function. The function to be invoked at runtime is determined by the runtime argument type.
For example , add (2,3) will invoke int add ( int a, int b);
Similarly, add("hello","world") will invoke string add ( string a , string b);
Half Center Right Left, theres four
The code to this question can be given as:
tp = ip;
ip = jp;
jp = tp;
In this question, it is defined that write code for swapping values that swap the pointers, not the values they point to. So in this code, we assume that all the variable and its value is defined. we simply use the swapping rule that is the first value holds in the new variable and second value hold on the first variable and in the last second variable holds the value of the new variable. In this code, the value will be interchanged or swapped.