The correct answer is a. (view tab | zoom group).
Color contrast is the difference in light between font (or anything in the foreground) and its background.
In web accessibility, how well one color stands out from another color determines whether or not most people will be able to read the information.
Contrast makes things look different and stand out
The themes gallery is located on the "design" ribbon tab
Signal strength and SNR
The signal strength and SNR are two important values to record during the manual site survey process. Signal loss and propagation loss have different effects, and packet retries are more of an issue with dynamic rate selection.
CISO: This person reports directly to the CIO and is responsible for assessing, managing, and implementing security.
Security Technician: Entry-level position and provides technical support to conFgure security hardware, implement security software, and diagnose and troubleshoot <span>problems</span>