The best option in the list is <u>stop posting her e-mail address on newsgroups.</u>
Unwanted e-mail is categorized as a spam email.These emails can not be entirely avoided because we use the Internet thus it is recommended that you filter them.A program called my email client can help to filter spam though in some cases, it might not be effective.
The techniques Nadia can employ in this case is to hidden her email address when visiting newsgroups.News groups are forums online where people discuss certain topic.Avoid publishing the email in these web sites can hide her tackle this problem. Additionally, Nadia could train the filter serach feature in her email box through repoting such emails using the report button present, avoid responding/openning spam or use a third party program to track spam emails and block them.
Wish you Luck!
Input, output, storage.
Input is used to interact with, or send data to the computer (mouse, keyboards, etc.). Output provides output to the user from the computer (monitors, printers, etc.). And storage which stores data processed by the computer (hard drives, flash drives, etc.).
My sister would what’s your id
July 9, 2015
It was released on macOS on July 9, 2015, and on Microsoft Windows on September 22, 2015, for Office 365 subscribers. Mainstream support ended on October 13, 2020, and extended support for most editions of Office 2016 will end on October 14, 2025, the same day as Windows 10.