Monomers make up polymers
polymers make up macromolecules
You should expect an endangered species to be more SPECIALIST. Animal species that can live in different types of environment and which can survive on different types of food are called generalist. This type of animal specie can not be easily endangered because they have high level of survival. The specialist animal species on the other hand are adapted to a narrow range of food and environment. Specialist species can be easily wipe out if there food resources is exhausted or if their habitat is destroyed.
Temperature, moisture, and precipitation. Use online sources to find averages for these stats
There are basically 4 components of Biosphere.
Biosphere is the collection of all ecosystems on earth and their interactions with each other. The Biosphere of earth consists the following components,
1. The Biota
All the living organisms including animals, plants, insects and bacteria is called the Biota.
2. Geosphere
Geosphere is the surface of biosphere that is composed of soil, rocks, mountains etc.
3. Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere includes all the water bodies like ocean, rivers, streams and lakes.
4. Atmosphere
Atmosphere is the climate that describes about the temperature, humidity, wind and rain fall in Biosphere.