American expansion abroad was fueled by all of the following except "the closing of the frontier" since this was mainly a domestic issue.
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, or "Great Charter," affirmed that everyone is subject to the law -- even the king. It was an agreement between King John and the nobility in 1215, but its listing of rights provided instrumental founding principles for the wider establishment of rights for all citizens in the centuries following -- including the rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States.
"... the chief business of the American people is business." he once said.
Coolidge followed a laissez-faire economic policy, whereby the government doesn't interfere in the national economy unless absolutely necessary, and even then its actions should be limited to gentle nudges to get the economy back on track rather than large scale intervention.
So, Coolidge's attitude toward business was 'if it's not broken, don't fix it' - leave business alone to prosper.
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Werner Arber and several others extended the work of an earlier Nobel laureate, Salvador Luria, who observed that bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) not only induce hereditary mutations in their bacterial hosts but at the same time undergo hereditary mutations themselves. Werner Arber’s research was concentrated on the action of protective enzymes present in the bacteria, which modify the DNA of the infecting virus e.g., the restriction enzyme, so-called for its ability to restrict the growth of the bacteriophage by cutting the molecule of its DNA to pieces.
Cambodia, the murders were commited by the Khmer Rouge.