Factors that cause population growth include increased food production, improved health care services, immigration and high birth rate. These factors have led to overpopulation, which has more negative effects than positive impacts.
Antibiotics, Antiparasitic, Antifungal
virus being a none living organism outside a living cell makes it none living. to me, at this age, to make a living virus to go back to not living, is to subject the infected cells under high treatment or damage the cell totally.
bacteria can always be cured with antibiotics
In a particular case of secondary succession, three species of wild grass all invaded a field. By the second season, a single species dominated the field and the other two species had a lower relative abundance. A possible factor contributing to the abundances of these species in this example of secondary succession is <u>inhibition</u>.
Trees are great examples of allelopathy in plants. Some use their allelochemicals to inhibit germination or impede development of nearby plant life. Most allelopathic trees release these chemicals through their leaves, which are toxic once absorbed by other plants. Black walnut is a prime example of this.