Student: My desk sat in the back corner, it was tarnished and broken with chipped wood and old drawings from previous students, scribbled deep into the wood with pencils or needles. I felt bad for it. The desk held me up on days I didn't want to be there. It supported my hard work. I wanted to thank it, I wanted to thank the tree that became the steed for so many students.
I had an Idea, I want to start a refurbished desk drive. After school I would bring the idea up to my teacher, I would give the desks a fresh coat of paint and a big thanks for carrying students all day long, for years.
After receiving approval I would drive to home depot and pick up all the materials I would need. I came to school sunday and got to work repainting and refinishing. I fixed wobbly legs and loose drawers. And finally I wrote notes for each desk and glued them to the underneath of the tables each saying thank you for everything you do.
Desk: I was brought out of the class room I can't remember the last time I left that filth nest. Then a student began to take me apart; I guess it was my time to leave the world.
But once I was apart I was not placed in a trash bin, I was sanded painted and given a nice shiny finish, the student even fixed my broken leg. They them put me back together and place a piece of paper on the underside of my table that said thank you. If a desk could cry I would have. I think of that student every day when they sit on my chair I want to support them and all of their kindness.
In this world where we live today, people tend to avoid paying attention to anyone who is talking, unless you have a good impression on them. Have you ever asked yourself why don’t we always believe words? I guess the reason of that is that words are alterable; we say something, and we change it the next minute right away. I therefore firmly believe that actions speak louder than words.
First of all, every single person on earth has the freedom to say whatever he/she wants, but it is not something guaranteed that everyone is going to believe you, or take you words into consideration. People nowadays are more likely to believe the language of the body, because it is the evident truth. For example; when someone runs for presidency; he wants to get people’s votes. Thus, he/she starts improving his/her image among people by visiting hospitals, making donations, and giving free stuffs away.
Furthermore; words don’t have the effect that actions do on people. Words are easier to forget, while actions can be forgotten that easy; actions would last forever if they had a great impression on us. It is also impossible to show people how truthful your words are without an evident action. For example; when you say ‘I missed you’ to a friend, and you haven’t even bothered yourself to pick up the phone to know how he/she was doing, then obviously these words are just lies. Hence, actions are more realistic when it comes to expressing our emotions.
To put it all in a nutshell, actions are the optimum way to make people believe you. Words could be a method to convey messages, but it’s not as efficient as actions. Believe me, even if you had the ability to make such great speeches like Barack Obama, you are going to need actions that support your words.
Satan,[a] also known as the Devil,[b] is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as either a fallen angel or a jinn, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons. In Judaism, Satan is typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination", or as an agent subservient to God.
Ice cream is delicious
ice cream is fun
creamy and cold
chocolate or swirls
memories shared in the summer sun
is what makes ice cream number one
hope this is good