The x= the cut for the grass
The y=garvin cuts
24 I hope this helpsssss :):):)
0° 42' 48.6".
Conversion: d = int(.7135°) = 0°m = int((.7135° - 0°) × 60) = 42's = (.7135° - 0° - 42'/60) × 3600 = 48.6".7135°= 0° 42' 48.6"
How to convert decimal degrees to degrees,minutes,secondsOne degree (°) is equal to 60 minutes (') and equal to 3600 seconds ("):
1° = 60' = 3600"
The integer degrees (d) are equal to the integer part of the decimal degrees (dd):
d = integer(dd)
The minutes (m) are equal to the integer part of the decimal degrees (dd) minus integer degrees (d) times 60:
m = integer((dd - d) × 60)
The seconds (s) are equal to the decimal degrees (dd) minus integer degrees (d) minus minutes (m) divided by 60 times 3600:
s = (dd - d - m/60) × 3600