The answer is my. It is "describing" the flowers and saying that the flowers are mine.
I, her, and everyone are pronouns that function as a noun phrase. They do/receive the action, while my is "describing" the flowers.
Consonance is the repetition of similar sounding consonants in a group of closely connected words. In the group of words as seen in the sentence above, there is similarity in the sounds produced by the words celery, snapped, ate, and it.
These consonant sounds can be found anywhere within a word or sentence but they follow each other in quick succession. It is a form of writing that holds the attention of readers as it makes it easier to draw the connection within words.
First find out how many things you can buy. $3.69 + $3.69 is $7.38. If you add one more item that is $3.69 that would be over $10, so you can only buy two things. If you take the price of your two items ($7.38) minus $10.00, what is your answer?
They are crossing into Roraima. This is Brazil's poorest state. They are hungry and need medical attention. They have no money and barely have clothes on their own backs. They have to scrounge for food. They eat what they can.
They are filing for refugee status with the Brazilian Federal Police. They are starving and homeless. They are making progress there and the shelter is now trying to provide for them. They can provide them food, but the quality of food is low. Drug trafficking and sex trafficking continue and they cannot find jobs.