The hacker which represents the highest risk to my computer is the Script Kiddie.
A Script Kiddie cannot make their own programs.
They hack by using existing codes, scripts, web shells etc to access a work station, mutilate webpages etc.
The difference between a Hacker and a Script Kiddie is that a hacker does not need another person's code. They are skilled at writing their own codes which are can be very potent. This level of skill can be difficult to attain except for very bright minds.
The script kid needs very little knowledge of scripts and they are well on their way to causing damage.
is an action or series of actions that a microprocessor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), in a computer performs when it receives information.
If we want to increment the salaries in the cell F5, we must multiply the cell F5 by cell F12, and then we must sum that result.
If we want to drag the formula from the cell F5 to F10, we must use the dollar symbol $ to apply the same percent in our formula.
For example:
F12 = 5% = 0.05
F5 = 10,000
=10,000×0.05+10,000 = 10,500