These are the two correct answer choices:
A The modern map includes A land masses the ancient map does not show.
D The modern map shows the shapes of land masses more accurately than the ancient map.
The two answer choices above are closely related. Ancient maps often were less detailed than modern maps because ancient cartographers, geographers, and sailors had less technical tools to craft their maps.
Ancient maps were usually partial maps as well: they only showed specific geographical areas, while leaving other areas uncovered, simply because the authors did not even know what territories lied beyond certain geographical limits. For examples, the Ancient Greeks did not know of Subsaharan Africa, so their maps did not give account of that part of the world.
During the Second World War (1939–1945), India was a part of the British Empire, with the British holding territories in India that included over six hundred autonomous Princely States. British India officially declared war on Nazi Germany in September 1939.[1] The British Raj, as part of the Allied Nations, sent over two and a half million soldiers to fight under British command against the Axis powers. India also provided the base for American operations in support of China in the China Burma India Theater.
Indians fought with distinction throughout the world, including in the European theatre against Germany, in North Africa against Germany and Italy, in the South Asian region defending India against the Japanese and fighting the Japanese in Burma. Indians also aided in liberating British colonies such as Singapore and Hong Kong after the Japanese surrender in August 1945. Over 87,000 Indian soldiers (including those from modern day Pakistan, and Bangladesh) and 3 million civilians died in World War II.[2][3] Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, India, stated the British "couldn't have come through both wars [World War I and II] if they hadn't had the Indian Army."[4][5]
Viceroy Linlithgow declared that India was at war with Germany without consultations with Indian politicians.[6] Political parties such as the Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha supported the British war effort while the largest and most influential political party existing in India at the time, the Indian National Congress, demanded independence before it would help Britain.[7][8] London refused, and when Congress announced a "Quit India" campaign in August 1942, tens of thousands of its leaders were imprisoned by the British for the duration. Meanwhile, under the leadership of Indian leader Subhash Chandra Bose, Japan set up an army of Indian POWs known as the Indian National Army, which fought against the British. A major famine in Bengal in 1943 led to 3 million deaths due to starvation, and a highly controversial issue remains regarding Churchill's decision to not provide emergency food relief.[9][10]
Indian participation in the Allied campaign remained strong. The financial, industrial and military assistance of India formed a crucial component of the British campaign against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.[11] India's strategic location at the tip of the Indian Ocean, its large production of armaments, and its huge armed forces played a decisive role in halting the progress of Imperial Japan in the South-East Asian theatre.[12] The Indian Army during World War II was one of the largest Allied forces contingents which took part in the North and East African Campaign, Western Desert Campaign. At the height of the second World War, more than 2.5 million Indian troops were fighting Axis forces around the globe.[13] After the end of the war, India emerged as the world's fourth largest industrial power and its increased political, economic and military influence paved the way for its independence from the United Kingdom in 1947.[14]
Answer: The United Nations was created to promote international cooperation.
<span>assessing the diversity of his friends, coworkers, and acquaintances.
An individual diversity profile is similar to that of a company or school put is focused on the people that individual surround themselves.
A diversity profile allows a person to evaluate the people in their lives and whether or not they are exposing themselves to a wide array of people. A person may want to do this if they are concerned about having multiple perspectives in their lives. </span>
It's pretty useful!
(Not trying to sound mean! ._.")