I think Slavery to Freedom
The United States and the Soviet Union were never confronted in a direct military conflict, never confronted in a "Hot War". After World War II, the two countries started a "cold war" because the rivalry between the two superpowers originated in the incompatibility between the ideologies defended by each side. This ideological incompatibility could be perceived in the fact that each superpower had a different political system and organized its economy differently from the other. While the United States defended capitalism, democracy, principles such as the defense of private property and free enterprise, the Soviet Union defended socialism and principles as the end of great private property, economic equality (a society without rich and poor ) and a strong State able to guarantee the basic needs of all citizens.
Friendship between states is often forged for the sole reason of alliances and support for materials, war, whatever else really
Colonization ruptured many ecosystems, bringing in new organisms while eliminating others. The Europeans brought many diseases with them that decimated Native American populations. Colonists and Native Americans alike looked to new plants as possible medicinal resources.
Sorry i think this will help
Social realism
Decameron was a prose written by an Italian Giovanni Boccaccio between the period of 1349 and 1353.
This collection by Boccaccio introduced into western literature the literary convention of social realism which helps to point out the different socio-economic conditions of the people.