The purines are ribose and deoxyribose
Eubacteria have the typical characteristics of a prokaryotic organism, but they also have the ability to form spores and can be pathogenic organisms (like causes disease in humans and animals).
Choice: (A) The herd has reached its carrying capacity because the growth rate is negative.
this is a type habitat or ecosystem
Flu vaccines need to be revised and changed every year because the flu virus constantly mutates. Flu viruses can change in two ways: drift or shift. Antigenic drift occurs when genes of the virus slowly change during replication until the immune system no longer recognizes it. On the other hand, antigenic shift occurs when a major change in the virus happens. This usually leads to a totally different kind of virus. This is what happened during the H1N1 scare in 2009.
DNA viruses like mumps are less prone to mutation due to the presence of DNA polymerase. RNA viruses are more prone to mutation because they undergo reverse transcription to simulate the role of DNA.