264.91 times .79 is 209.2789
Subtract 209.2789 from 264.91 is 55.6311
The sale price is $55.63
10000 more than 46952 is 56952
The graph of <span>y=-0.5 sqrt (x-3)+2
Df= {x/x-3>=0}
Df= [3, + infinity[
derivative of f(x)
f'(x)= -0.5 x 2 /</span>sqrt (x-3)= - 1/sqrt (x-3) <0, f is a decreasing function for all x in the Df
limf(x)=2 x--------->3, limf(x)=-infinity, x--------->+infinity
look at the graph
Its 0, 1.
Step-by-step explanation:
ItsQuipo on yt