Ice Cream. E<span>lasticity is higher when the good are luxuries and ice cream has </span>to actually be made.
An open listing
In real estate an open listing is one in which the owner of a property contracts more than one agent to sell the property. The agent with the winning bid will eventually sell the property.
The opposite of this is the exclusive listing where the property owner only engages one agent to sell the property.
In the given scenario the builder feels that it is no longer necessary to have his onsite sales agent market these properties and decides to list the properties with a local brokerage firm. Thereby allowing all of the local firms to market these properties.
This is an open listing
B. 6 points
6 points or more will restrict the minor's license for 1 year to business purposes only.
The perception of unfairness
The perception of unfairness
the feeling of unfairness come when one feel unjust and unequal. It is a feeling of inequality or partiality toward one.
In the above situation Jane feel unfairness due to the fact that in-spite of being at same level with the other colleagues and showing same performance, company decide to suspend her.