A man would want to come back as a cow. That means he achieved the best life he could have had.
Heat Cramps can be treated by applying firm pressure to the affected area
Note: CA here in the answer means Certificate Authority
Segmenting the role of the Root CA and Issuing CA to provide a secure configuration.
Keeping the Root CA offline, thus allowing the private key of the Root CA to be more secure.
Allowing multiple deployment of Issuing CAs at different geographical locations.
Greater control of Issuing CAs at different security levels.
Less management and implementation than a three-tier design.
Greater security than a single tier design.
More scalability for the security environment by deploying more Issuing CA.
.gov is the current domain extension type used by most United States government or government supported sources. You can trust these sources to be, if not accurate, then at least backed by the majority of the US population and governing power as the most commonly perceived knowledge in that sector.