Yeah this statement is true
The answer is marcotting. This is for trees, shrubs and
semi-woody plants. The two cuts are then connected by a straight cut and the
bark is pried loose and removed. This involves pressing of a sharp knife
against the bark preferably as close as possible below a node, moving the knife
in circular motion around the stem.
<u>Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria:</u>
Antibiotic is a naturally produced substance that is used to kill bacteria. The first antibiotic was penicillin produced from fungus. The word antibiotic means against life which means it is against the life of pathogenic bacteria.
In the case of the living organism that is treated antibiotic is ‘pro life’. Antimicrobials are used to kill pathogenic microbes like fungus, bacteria, virus etc. Sometimes the microbes become resistant to the antimicrobials and they are said to develop is antimicrobial resistance.
When pathogens develop antimicrobial resistance newer drugs have to be developed in place of the earlier ones to treat the disease.
Research is a deliberate attempt to find answer or solution to a problem along with help of observation, study, survey, comparison, literature review and experimentation.
It is in other way a search for knowledge through systematic way of finding solutions to a problem.
The research methodology comprises of following stages –
Stage I – Observing a problem
Stage II – Formulating a hypothesis
Stage III – Collecting the data
Stage IV – Analysis of facts and data
Stage V – Finding a solution or reaching a conclusion