A: white oak
b: cottonwood
c:american elm
d:silver maple
e:black willow
f:green oak
In a clinical situation where it is essential to control microbial growth that includes both mycobacteria and endospores, the chemical <span>agent that would be the most effective to guarantee the broadest disinfection are chlorines.
Chlorine (Cl) is a yellow-green gas often used for disinfection in its liquid form. </span>
The HS is stripped from each O
</span> All normal eggs from the mother have an X chromosome while usually half the sperm cells from the father have a Y (male) chromosome and the other half have an X (female) chromosome and it is therefore the father's sperm that dictates which gender the embryo will take.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome then the embryo will be a genetic male due to XY chromosome combination.
<span>If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome then of course the embryo will be a genetic female due to XX chromosome combination.</span>
Dogs shown in this picture belongs to the secondary consumer trophic level which consumes primary consumer herbivores. These primary consumer herbivores are dependent on grass for food which is a primary producer. If all dogs die, the population of primary consumer herbivores will increase. This increase will lead to decrease in grass at a drastic rate. Therefore, primary producers (grass) will be affected.