1- Anthropology --- The study of the human race
2- Scientific method --- The processes and procedures by which we acquire information
3- Cuneiform --- Symbols used to represent objects
4- Hieroglyphs --- Symbols used to represent sounds
5- Linguistics --- The study of language
6- Petroglyphs --- Pictures carved out of stone
1- Anthropology is a branch of science that studies man in all its aspects, both physical and cultural. Anthropology is included in the behavioral and social sciences.
2- The scientific method is the systematic procedure used in science to create new knowledge and refine older information. The scientific method is not a simple guide but a reference to how science is or should be practiced. In practice, it also differs widely between disciplines.
3- Cuneiform writing is one of the first known writing systems. It was created by the Sumerians in 3150 BC. It is a type of logographic writing - although they would derive phonographic or mixed forms - and the graphemas used were mainly ideograms, with some pictograms or schematic signs derived from them.
4- A hieroglyph is a grapheme or character in a written language consisting mainly of pictograms or schematic images. The most well-known hieroglyphs consist of both logograms (characters representing a word or a morpheme) and of sound characters representing sounds (phonemes) or combinations of them, often syllables.
5- Linguistics is a science that examines the human language in different approaches. The content of linguistic research is language as a system, its individual components and units, and their meanings. Furthermore, linguistics deals with the origins and historical development of language, its versatile use in written and oral communication, the perception, learning and articulation of language as well as the possible accompanying disorders.
6- A petroglyph is a symbolic drawing engraved on stone and is therefore part of rock art. The interpretation of these figures is discussed and varies from the magic-symbolic one, linked to religious rites, to that of figures made predominantly as a pastime by shepherds.