The system of feudalism needed a lot of workers, who were tied to the land, and had to deliver a part of their harvest to their lords. The farmers generally had a poor life and struggled to make enough both for themselves and for the lords, but the lords benefited from this, as they had many farmers paying them a part of their harvest
Before the plague, the land was scarce, but people plenty, which meant that the farmers could not set conditions on their work. After the plague the number of farmers decreased, and there was a lot of work needed, so the farmers could search for a different place to work, if the feudal lords were demanding too much,.
Harlemagne se dio cuenta de la importancia del aprendizaje y ha sido considerado por los historiadores como el patrocinador de la educación medieval. Ordenó la creación de escuelas que conduzcan a la expansión del sistema educativo. También se tomaron medidas para revitalizar las escuelas existentes, estandarizar el plan de estudios en todos. Espero que esto pueda ayudar. :)
things in economy and life change over time
C) It is impossible to have identical twins of different sexes
Scientifically monozygous or identical twins are usually of the same sex unless in a rare case of genetic mutation where they develope into different sexes.
When the individual asked if they are identical twins, the first line of thought naturally will be to think if it is possible to have identical twins of different sexes
The Spanish Constitution establishes that the deputies are chosen by universal, free, equal, direct and secret suffrage.