Answer: There are several strategies to keep a job. For each paragraph you will want to stay on topic for each individual strategy that you have researched.
There are numerous ways that a person can keep a job. Whether you are new on the job or an expert everyone should keep in mind that they can be replaced. It is imperative that employees follow the rules of the job and not to get complacent in their role.
Here is a list of five strategies that will help a person keep their job:
- Always improve your work skills.
- Learn the politics of the office and try to stay neutral.
- Understand the position you are placed in and if you have questions always ask.
- Try and meet the right people who can help you advance further in the company.
- Ask your manager or supervisor for feedback on your job performance and if there is anything negative, learn ways to improve.
<span>The example indicates that the strategy is Appeals to common goals.
If you wish to obtain the cooperation of another person, it is very useful to identify some goal or objective that you share with that other person, which can be called a common goal, or a goal that you have in common.</span>
<span>The four characteristics used to classify retail stores are: the type of merchandise sold; the variety and assortment of merchandise sold; the level of customer service; the price of the merchandise. For example, we know that Whole Foods and Aldi are both grocery stores. However, Whole Foods provides different types of merchandise and provides a different level of customer service, as they focus on organic and healthy foods and their employees bag groceries. Aldi, on the other hand, focuses on cheaper foods without much heed to organic or health materials, and they do not bag groceries.</span>
The technology will grow until 2022, and our job will have definitely improved by making it easier to communicate to our customers and by providing managers with jobs that managers have been paid less.
The job market for management workers has risen since the economic downturn in the 2008-2009 recessions.
This is anticipated to increase, as administrative workers work in economic sectors, such as education, social services, legal aid, health care and finance, that are growing and creating new jobs. The employers are looking to reoccupy these positions with so many jobs lost during the crisis and the recent recovery in the economy.
opening wip 100
Started 1000
completed -800
closing wip 300
Using weighted Average process cost Table
cost opening current Total complete Wip equivalent Cost
head cost Units p.unit
material 1000 4500 5500 800 300 1100 5
CC 3960 21520 25480 800 180 980 26
30980 31
A) equivalent units of service (production ) for materials and conversion costs.
material 1100
CC 980
unit costs
material 5
CC 26
Complete 800 31.00 24,800
Closing Wip
Material 300 5.00 1,500
Labour 180 26.00 4,680
Total Cost 30,980