C = int(input("Enter a number ::))
F = (C * (9 /5)) + 32
print(" {} in Fahrenheit is {} ". format(C, F))
The program takes an input from the user and converts the input to a fahrenheit.
ok done we will try
BTW have a nice day enjoy your day Stay blessed stay happy stay strong
name = input("Enter customer name: ")
quantity = int(input("Enter quantity: "))
size = input("Enter size [large-medium-small]: ")
if size == "large":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 13
if size == "medium":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 11
if size == "small":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 8.6
print(name + " ordered " + str(quantity) + " " + size + " ballons")
print("Total sales is $" + str(sales))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter name, quantity, and size
Check the size using if structure. Depending on the size, calculate the sales using the given cost for for a dozen.
Print the order information and total sales