When there is multiplication, we add the powers.. But when there is division, we subtract the powers. Therefore:
3^8 x 3^4 is 3^8+4= 3^12 (this is the numerator)
3^2x3^8 is 3^ 2+8= 3^10 (this is the denominator)
Now since there is a division bar we obviously have to divide the numerator: 3^12 by the denominator: 3^10. [Remember division requires subtraction of powers] therefore: 3^12 \ 3^10 = 3^12-10 = 3^2. (=9) And is not given as 9 since it is not in index form therefor answer is 3 power of 2 (3^2) Hope this is helpful for you!
Just multiply the numerator together using a calculator (for ease) then multiply the denominators including the powers. Once you did this part properly you should get,