An array data type is similar to the structure of a row in a database table.
The team did not adequately formalize the software's design
The most logical reason for this confusion is the fact that the team did not adequately formalize the the software design.
The design approach has to do with clearly defining the architectural modules of the application. The requirements in the software requirement specification document would serve as input for the next phase. The documents are prepared and they give a definition of the overall system architecture.
The team got confused because they did not go through this phase of the 10-phase SDLC model.
nrToCheck = int(input("How many numbers do you need to check? "))
nrEven = 0
nrOdd = 0
for i in range(nrToCheck):
number = int(input("Enter number: "))
if (number % 2):
nrOdd = nrOdd + 1
print("{} is an odd number".format(number))
nrEven = nrEven + 1
print("{} is an even number".format(number))
print("You entered {} even number(s).".format(nrEven));
print("You entered {} odd number(s).".format(nrOdd));
The answer to this question is "perimeter".
In computer science, the firewall is used to provide a network security system that manages network traffic like incoming and outgoing signals. This traffics is based on predetermined security rules. The firewall typically installs a boundary between a trusted inner network and an untrusted outer network, such as the Internet. It is a software concept and Perimeter firewalls manage the flow of network traffic and host or organization's border the boundary that provides the first line of security against outer attacks and blocking access to inappropriate content from inside an organization.