Rosa Parks (1913-2005) performed an act of insurrection when she refused to stand up and give her bus seat, located the bus section that was supposed to be for black passengers, to a white woman after the bus driver requested her to do so because the white section of the vehicle was already full. This happened in Montgomery in 1955. She was arrested for violating the segregation laws from Alabama.
Her action and subsequent arrest triggered the start of the Montgomery Bus Boyycott, as a social protest within Civil Rights Movement that lasted from 1955 to 1956 and aimed to end segregation in US public facilities.
There are several ways in which the growth of Alexander’s empire spread Greek culture, but the most important way was that culture was imposed wherever he went.
Answer:campaign manager, finance chair, pollster, media coordinator, scheduler
In 1948, the State of Israel was formed by the Zionist Movement which began in Europe at the turn of the the 19th century to form the state of Israel. The State of Israel was created for numerous political reasons as well as the desire to provide a homeland for the Jewish people.
Polytheists. Polly meaning "many" and theists meaning "of god"