Because when they were passing goods from India to Egypt the prices were raised. Ghengis khan and his mongol armies rose to power at the end of the twelfth century, at the moment wgen few opposinf rulers could put up much resistance to them. The vast mongol empire he created stretched from China to Europe, across which the silks routes functioned as efficient lines of communication as well as trade.
Matthew is being taught to use the potty through the process of <u>"shaping."</u>
Shaping is the way toward reinforcing progressively ever nearer approximations to a coveted terminal conduct. The shaping of conduct begins at an early age. For instance, a youngster figures out how to pull itself up, to remain, to walk and to at last move about through fortification of somewhat extraordinary cases of practices. Strolling doesn't really fall into place for a kid, yet through inconspicuous fortifications of having the capacity to achieve a toy or move all the more freely, the kid's conduct is shaped.