One reason is that our system is set up that there is one clear winner of an election. Winner takes all. In order to secure the most votes, candidates have to support and stand for a wide range of policies, instead of only focusing on a handful.
You should recommend the applicant, but qualify your recommendation by pointing out that you think he may have exaggerated some details on his resume
Engineers are ethically obligated to prevent the misrepresentation of their associate's qualifications. You must make your employer aware of the incorrect facts on the resume. On the other hand, if you really believe that the applicant would make a good employee, you should make that recommendation as well. Unless you are making the hiring decision, ethics requires only that you be truthful. If you believe the applicant has merit, you should state so. It is the company's decision to remove or not remove the applicant from consideration because of this transgression.
The level of their knowledge and education.
While delivering a speech, there are many factors in which speaker needs to observe and molding himself in the same manner as having the attention of the audience. It's a two-way process where communication is based on the speaker's way of speaking and audience way of response.
Speakers can only understand the level of consuming the meaning of the speech by the audience by their facial experience, gesture, and response but speakers can't understand their education level while observing them.
Africa, antartica, south america
social withdrawal; sociability
Social withdrawal: In psychology, the term "social withdrawal" is referred to as a condition in which an individual tends to avoid the other person and various activities that he or she used to enjoy. It can cause depression, loneliness, etc. An individual who is dealing with social withdrawal generally feels isolated and spends time alone with oneself and referred to as an introvert.
Sociability: In psychology, the term "sociability" is considered as one of the personality traits that describes the capability of an individual to be fond of another person's company and seeks for opportunity related to social contact with other individuals and are referred to as extrovert.