1 Film Roll Vs SD card.
2 No LCD Display Vs LCD Display
3 No mega Pixels Vs Mega Pixels
4 Zero Optical zoom Vs Optical Zoom
5 No Picture Modes Vs Different Picture Modes
6 Limited Number of Pics per roll Vs unlimited number of pictures depending upon the size of a Card
7 Hassle of developing pictures Vs no hassle, simply transfer them to the pc/laptop
8 Limited features Vs multiple features
hope this helps
Business xase evaluation is most useful because (BCA) provides a best-value analysis that considers not only cost but other quantifiable and non-quantifiable factors supporting an investment decision. This can include but is not limited to, performance, producibility, reliability, maintainability, and supportability enhancements.
Mark me brainliest
The delimiter use is "::".
The Java inbuilt String.split( ) function is use to split a String into an array of String.
The split( ) takes delimiter as arguments/parameter which determines at which point the string is to be broken down into different part/token.
From the above code snippet;
Each line in the file a.txt that is not null is splitted using the statement below:
String[ ] v = line.split("::");
The line is splitted using "::" as delimiter and the resulting array is then assigned to the variable 'v'.
For instance, a line in the file could take the form:
When it is splitted,
String lname = John;
because lname make reference to index 0 of the array.
String fname = Smith;
because fname make reference to index 1 of the array.
String dept = Music;
and dept make reference to index 2 of the array.
<span>When widgets, or portable chunks of code, are embedded on html pages and thereby help increase the functionality of those pages, consumers embrace one of the greatest virtues of social media known as Collaboration.</span>