By default the normal style inserts a vertical space equal to 1.5 size vertical lines between each line of text.
Answer and Explanation:
def loop(start, stop, step):
return_string = ""
if step == 0:
step = 1
if start > stop: # the bug was here, fixed it
step = abs(step) * -1
step = abs(step)
for count in range(start, stop, step):
return_string += str(count) + " "
return return_string.strip()
Answer: True
The definition of minimum spanning tree(MST) says that the graph must be connected and undirected to be considered for MST. It has (V-1) edges where V is the number of vertices. The minimum spanning tree is implemented using Kruskal's algorithm whereby it starts by considering the minimum weighted edge and covers all the edges upto (V-1) edges. So for MST it has to be connected
I believe this is false as some radio waves can travel beyond our solar system