scoop1 - 10
If we want scoop2 to be 10 pixels less than scoop1, we can simply subtract 10 from scoop1 to get the needed value from scoop2.
Purposes of Data Layer, in the Layered model for web applications are as following:-
1. The data Layer,is the third layer and it takes care of the all the operations concerning the database level.
2. This data layer gets a command from the application layer to send a query to the database and will process this command according to the type of database that is used.
3. It will ensure that the correct connections to the database are set.
4. It is represented by the Database.
name = input("Enter customer name: ")
quantity = int(input("Enter quantity: "))
size = input("Enter size [large-medium-small]: ")
if size == "large":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 13
if size == "medium":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 11
if size == "small":
sales = (quantity / 12) * 8.6
print(name + " ordered " + str(quantity) + " " + size + " ballons")
print("Total sales is $" + str(sales))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter name, quantity, and size
Check the size using if structure. Depending on the size, calculate the sales using the given cost for for a dozen.
Print the order information and total sales
Parallel parking, emergency parking, parking on a hill, and prohibited parking. at least that's what the handbook in Arizona says, but check with your state handbook.)