1 Use water cooler
2 Avoid single use drink container for guests
3 Bring lunches in reusable containers
4 Paper waste reduction
take paperless notes
5 Use both sides of paper while printing, coping and writing
Can be executed on multiple platforms.
A program is portable if it is not platform dependent. In other words, if the program is not tightly coupled to a particular platform, then it is said to be portable. Portable programs can run on multiple platforms without having to do much work. By platform, we essentially mean the operating system and hardware configuration of the machine's CPU.
Examples of portable programs are those written in;
i. Java
ii. C++
iii. C
if you are finding to be a pilot you can find it at jinnah airport
I programmed in batch before so I know a lot of things!
You can ping a website to test your latency.
ping google.com
I have a ton of tricks in cmd (Command Prompt). Message me if you want.